Bitesize Business Breakthroughs
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Guarantee Success
February 1, 2015
Use a compelling guarantee for your product or service to tip the balance in your favour.

Believable is Best
December 1, 2014
You have to be deadly serious about your credibility or people will not buy from you.

Ask Better Questions
October 1, 2014
When you ask prospective customers smarter questions, in a smarter way, you’ll improve your sales results.

Hiring Superstars
August 1, 2014
Wouldn’t it be great if you only ever recruited high quality people for your business?

Better Business Brain
June 1, 2014
Better use your business brain and you’ll achieve better business results.

Compelling Meetings
April 1, 2014
Run your internal meetings so that bold decisions happen often and quickly

Healthy Heartfelt KPIs
February 1, 2014
Take action sooner and you’ll avoid problems leading to losses in your business.

Winning Decisions
December 1, 2013
When making important decisions avoid your decision-making auto-pilot and be sure to seriously sense-check your decisions.
‘Much more than a firm of Accountants’
“I can say with confidence that Landmark Chartered Accountants deliver far more than any Accountancy Firm I have known. They are the advisers we need them to be, questioning on our goals and strategies to ensure we create business growth through efficiencies we wouldn’t have known about. Thank you Landmark for being much much more than a firm of Accountants”
Charlie Ryan, CMR Recruitment Limited
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